Being a wedding planner means your constantly busy. I know from planning my own wedding that getting all the details of a wedding is a full time job, let alone if you have many clients wanting your services. Perhaps creating a website is not a priority for you right now, but it should be. You need to be constantly marketing your services. Even if majority of your business is through word of mouth, potential clients will take you seriously only if you have an wedding planner website. Brides mostly do their research online for any type of wedding service they need. You need a professional looking website that showcases all your skills, testimonials, previous weddings, contact information, if you are in demand, indicate your next availability, etc. There is much to advertise and brides need to see that information if you want them to invest/trust you with their biggest day of their lives.
So you want to create your wedding planner website and don’t know the first thing about creating a website. That’s fine! You don’t need to hire a developer or spend tons of money to create a professional looking wedding planner website. You only need 4 things – a webhosting provider, a domain name, WordPress and a WordPress Theme. I’ll detail them below along with the estimate cost to get your wedding planner site up and running.

You need a webhosting provider. What is that…..you ask. It’s ok, it’s somewhere where you will have your WordPress installation. You also do not need to know anything about installing WordPress because Blue Host has one click installs of WordPress software. If you require help, there is support to help you along the way. Click here to see why I recommend Blue Host Webhosting.
2. A Domain Name
You need a domain name so people can find you on the web. When you think of a unique name for yourself, check with Godaddy to see if that name is available. With Blue Host you get a free domain name for a year, which is great but if you want to keep your domain name forever I do recommend using Godaddy. I’ve used Godaddy for over 20 years now and grown with them, bought multiple domain names. You can purchase a domain name and lock it in for 10 years. I think that’s the better option if you plan to have your business for a while. The yearly renewal fee goes up every year, so it’s best to lock it in! Click here to see why I recommend Godaddy.
3. WordPress
WordPress installation is integral in creating your Wedding Planner website. This is a diverse and powerful platform that will allow you to automatically create a beautiful and elegant Wedding Planner website. You no longer have to download installation files and setup your own WordPress database, Blue Host webhosting does it all for you with one click. They have a one click WordPress installer and it automatically sets up WordPress for you. Click here to see more features of Blue Host webhosting.
4. WordPress Theme – Wedding Planner
This Wedding Planner WordPress theme will help you create an elegant and beautiful online business. Help is available if you need it, but it is really easy to use. With Wedding Planner you need no programming knowledge, actually you just need to know how to use your mouse to drag and drop elements around on your page. Use their visual editor where you can make changes and see them in real time. Page templates are available where you can list out your services, create wedding packages, contact form, testimonials, gallery of recent weddings, and so much more. This WordPress theme is social media integrated, responsive, easily change the color palette, image sliders and tons more features you have to check for yourself. Wedding Planner WordPress Theme is a great choice to create your online presence. Click here to see more features of Wedding Planner WordPress Theme.
Cost to Create a Wedding Planner Website
So finally, what is the cost to create your wedding planner website, costs are detailed below. All costs are estimates, in USD and are subject to change. The costs are reflective of costs as of today Jan 2020.
- Web Hosting – Bluehost = ~$36/year
- Domain Name – Godaddy = ~$11 for first year
- WordPress theme – Wedding Planner = ~$89/year
Total cost to create your wedding planner website = ~$136/year.
This is an extremely affordable cost since you probably would need to spend a couple thousand dollars to hire a developer to create a website that will do exactly the same thing a WordPress theme would do. All this and you don’t need any programming or techy know-how. Not trying to sound too cliche, but get started on your wedding planner website now!